RESET Food Plan
Phases I-IV
The RESET Food Plan Phases (most patients start here)
Every two weeks, evaluate how you feel and decide if it is time to move to the next phase. If, at any time, you feel uncomfortable then go back to the prior phase and give it more time before proceeding to the next phase. The phases are flexible and you can go forward or backward depending on how you feel as well as your motivation. Deviating from the plan is for the maintenance phase (phase IV) and is not advised until symptoms are clearly and significantly improved. As long as you are motivated, and still have symptoms, stay on the plan and continue to move through the phases.
► Phase I: During this initial phase you will follow the RESET Food Plan strictly and allow yourself to eat as frequently, and as much, as you like as long as you do not deviate from the plan. Frequent eating may be necessary during this phase until the body begins to burn fat as a fuel source (not necessarily for weight loss but for blood sugar stability). The goal of phase I is to decrease the body’s overreactions to foods, switch the body to fat burning, calm down an irritated gut system, and reduce food cravings.
less cravings
more energy
less bloat/gas
better sleep
improved stool pattern
no longer tired after eating
Also may observe:
reduction in nighttime urination
water weight and swelling reduction
elimination of muscle cramps (especially calves)
diminished acid reflux
improved blood pressure
better stool patterns
Although the first few days may be uncomfortable (due to food cravings or minor fatigue), there should be noticeable improvements in the expectations list by the end of week one and clearly by the end of week two (fat consumption can be increased short term to decrease cravings e.g. avocado, slice of bacon, etc. - gauge amount by satiation). If not then consult Dr. Cassone (or the Cassone Wellness team) and adjustments to prescriptions and modifications to the plan may be made. Phase I should be followed for a minimum of two weeks but can be followed long term depending on symptom improvements and personal goals.
In Phase I, smoothies (optional) can be used as meal replacements (most common is to replace one meal a day). This approach can offer muscle sparing protein (prevents muscle loss) while providing nutrient density to decrease cravings while lowering digestive burden and total calories consumed. Cleanse (powdered smoothie base from Cassone Wellness) is the main detoxification supplement that we recommend for anyone on the RESET Food Plan. It is protein rich, nutrient dense, low carbohydrate, and has been specifically designed to support the process of detoxification and to reduce inflammation.
Cleanse is tasteless and can be used with any of our smoothie recipes. These usually need to be made with a blender. Cleanse can also be mixed with our Collagen Protein powder (Vanilla or Chocolate) for a tasty low carb meal replacement packed with power nutrients. Simply mix 2 scoops of each with water and shake in a bottle which is very convenient.
Cleanse is especially important for those with more than 30 pounds to lose and for those with chronic stubborn conditions such as severe allergies, eczema, joint pain, autoimmune conditions, diabetes, or as part of our general cancer patient support.
After 2 weeks, if satisfied with the level of improvements, stay on Phase I. If more improvements are needed, then progress to Phase II to increase the therapeutic effects.
In summary, in Phase I follow the RESET Food Plan but for better results consume a smoothie as a meal replacement once a day.
Note: Going forward, you will evaluate how you feel every 2 weeks and make a conscious decision whether to stay on your current phase, to progress to more aggressive phases (which may include fasting), to go back to a prior phase, or if it's time to shift to the maintenance phase (Phase IV).
► Phase II: continue to follow the RESET Food Plan however, snacks are discontinued. Instead, eat 3 meals a day only. This allows for the body to fast between meals. Continue the use of smoothies as a meal replacement. Follow phase II for 2 weeks and reassess progress. This phase can be followed long term however, if more improvements are needed then progress to Phase III.
In summary, Phase II is the RESET Food Plan but only three meals a day without snacks.
► Phase III; Fasting
This is the more aggressive therapeutic phase of the RESET Food Plan and will give the best results. It is useful for those with chronic inflammatory conditions, diabetes, autoimmune issues, or have more than 30 pounds of excess body fat. Fasting reverses insulin resistance, reduces inflammation, and calms down an over-reactive system. It also has a calorie deficit built in for those needing to lose weight.
Fasting is based on two factors: the amount of time for the fast and what is allowed during the fast.
We suggest fasting two separate days a week (e.g. Tuesdays and Thursdays). Fasting is easy and progress can be at your own pace. Start with a partial day fast (skip one RESET meal with no snacks to eat only two RESET meals a day). Because you are fat burning, you will be pleasantly surprised that it is easy and you won't have cravings (if strong cravings return then go back to Phase II for a bit longer before coming back to Phase III). The next section (Types of Fasting) will explore what can be consumed during the fast.
After two separate days a week of partial day fasting has become easy, then progress to a full day fast (24 hours; e.g eat on Monday as usual but don't eat again until Tuesday night).
Once the full day fast is part of your routine, if you still need health improvements then consider the day and a half fasting routine (36 hours; e.g. eat on Monday but don't eat again until Wednesday morning). This can still be done two separate days a week for best outcomes.
In summary, Phase III is the same as Phase II (no snacks), but with two separate days of fasting based on restrictions in eating times and what is allowed to be consumed (Types of Fasting). Start with shorter time restrictions and easier Types of Fasting and then challenge yourself to more aggressive Types of Fasting with longer time periods.
As you progress, and experiment with each type of fast, it is important to listen to your body and only proceed if you are feeling good and still have some ways to go with your therapeutic goals. Different types of fasts have different benefits to the body. By experimenting with each type of fast you will challenge the body to adjust and correct the metabolism while eliminating deeper layers of toxic waste.
If you're not feeling up to it or unmotivated simply go back to a prior phase. No cheating (going off RESET) until you have reasonably met your health goals then proceed to Phase IV.
Types of Fasting
(from less aggressive to more aggressive to be followed two separate days a week)
The following Types of Fasting describe what can be consumed during the fast. E.g. on a partial day meat fast, one meal is meat only while the other meals of the day are RESET meals. On a full day meat fast, only meat is consumed for all three meals that day.
Note: most patient keep their coffee.
Smoothie Fast: On the smoothie fast consume Cleanse smoothies only (no other foods). Some of you have already been using smoothies. The benefit of a smoothie fast is that nutrition and protein is available to prevent muscle loss while keeping detoxification pathways activated. It is an easy approach to reduce calories while staying satisfied.
Meat Fast: This is a zero carbohydrate strategy (only fat and protein). Consume any type of animal (muscle or organ). Eggs are also allowed. Eat until satisfied. For those healthy enough to proceed, this fast offers supreme satiation, profound corrections to hormones that regulate cravings, reversal of insulin resistance, and a very low inflammatory state as well as retaining lean body mass (muscle). Many patients feel amazing eating this way (only after their bodies are fat burning from following prior phases). For this type of fast, the liver must be healthy enough to manage fuels. If the liver is not functioning optimally (e.g. advanced diabetes), severe low blood sugar states will be experienced. You will know because you will feel terrible instead of amazing. Don't force yourself. Listen to your body.
Note: Zero carbohydrate fasts can cause water weight to drop. This is good because inflammation is going down but it can cause a flu-like feeling initially. If the phases have been properly followed, then the body will have gradually adjusted to fat-burning and this will not likely be experienced. However, if flu-like symptoms are felt then adding salt can help. Also consider supplementing with magnesium, calcium, and potassium (discuss with the team).
Fat Fast: This fast is used as preparation for a water fast. It is a zero protein and zero carbohydrate fast. With the fat fast, the goal is to not eat (water only) but when you get hungry simply consume a small amount of fat (to satiation). For example, a couple slices of avocado or a teaspoon of coconut oil. The benefit is a caloric restricted day while "programming" the brain that it is not in a crisis and to burn fat ("primes the pump" for our own fat burning).
Note: Same concerns apply from the meat fast regarding water weight.
Water Fast: This is the most aggressive fast we commonly use clinically. Water fasting can be risky for loss of muscle tissue and depletion of core nutrients which is why it is important to follow the prior phases first. Without first getting the body to burn fat efficiently the body may produce stress hormones from the adrenal glands to produce sugar to get through the fast. This pathway is called "gluconeogenesis" and breaks down muscle. The best way to avoid this is to spend more time with the prior phases and Types of Fasts and to only proceed when feeling ready. Subjective symptoms give the best clues for whether or not an individual is ready for (or needs to do) a water fast. Cravings, fatigue, weakness, and shakiness (low blood sugar feeling) are the best indicators that someone is NOT ready for a water fast and that prior phases need to be followed longer.
Additional Types of Fasts (most aggressive and requires careful supervision by the Cassone Wellness Team):
Dry Fast: This fast refers to no food and no water. It puts the body into a high stress state that raises cortisol and should be used with extreme caution. We rarely recommend this type of fast clinically (because other Types of Fasts are so successful) but I'm including it for reference. This type of fast switches the body into autophagy sooner and forces the body to look for water in the tissues. Since inflammation is a form of water retention, this fast eliminates inflammation rapidly. It's best application might be to arrest a severe inflammatory state while getting treatment for the root cause (e.g. autoimmune flare-up). If you decide to experiment with this type of fast, it is best to be under the supervision of a doctor that has experience and knows your medical history.
Extended Water Fast: An extended water fast (longer than 3 consecutive days) should only be followed under the supervision of the team. The benefits are nothing short of amazing. Fasting is one of the oldest healing traditions but the body must be prepared or it will trigger a crisis mode that is counterproductive. It is best to follow the prior phases and fasting types until they are comfortable and normal for the body; for the most part effortless. An extended water fast is likely to trigger deeper states of autophagy (a switch in the body). Once this switch occurs, the body begins to eliminate major toxic particulates through the feces and urine. In other words, the body cleans house radically while protecting healthy tissues. For this reason, it is important to keep water consumption up (no more than a gallon daily) and to avoid constipation (let team know immediately should this present). During an extended water fast people are often surprised at how good they feel and their high energy levels. Continue the fast until instructed or until there is a natural (and powerful) desire to eat. Break the fast with broths or broth based soups for the first two days before resuming prior phases.
Ideally, an extended fast (for those capable and interested) should a done a few times a year for longevity purposes (at the change of each season is fine) each time lasting 3-7 days.
► Phase IV: This is a maintenance phase that can be followed once health goals have been met. For this phase, continue to follow the RESET Food Plan however, weekends are non-RESET Food Plan eating days without any restrictions (keep in mind that obvious poor choices will still negatively affect health). Ideally, one day a week continues to be a fasting day (using any of the fasting types depending on the motivation and desired results). For example, Saturday and Sunday enjoy your favorite pizza, sandwich, or tacos, then smoothie fast on Monday while Tuesday through Friday are back to low carb eating. This is a maintenance phase and should only be followed if symptoms have not returned. Go back to any prior phase as needed and if any signs of poor health return and consult the team.
Check with your doctor if you have any medical concerns. Recommendations are provided with the intent of supporting the physiological processes of the human body, and not to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition, are not a substitute for medical care, and have not been evaluated by the FDA.