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3. RESET Food Plan Phase I (novice)

  • 3 Weeks
  • 28 Steps


The phases are for the more dedicated RESET participants that are pursuing long term health goals. Each phase is a 3 week commitment after which time participants reevaluate their progress and decide on the next phase. The ultimate goal is to get stability in health improvements allowing for a less restricted maintenance phase (phase IV). This course is a 3 week commitment that starts the day you enroll. Follow and complete each step(s) before going on to the next day. Phase I is similar to the RESET Food Plan Introduction (beginner) and you will continue to follow the same guidelines. However, the challenges and understanding will be greater. There are no off-plan foods allowed. You are committed to your health. Let nothing stand in your way. PREREQUISITE: Complete the RESET Food Plan Introduction (beginner) before starting this course.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app


2 Plans Available, From $7.00/month + $25.00 Enrollment Fee

Group Discussion

This program is connected to a group. You’ll be added once you join the program.

RESET Food Plan Group

RESET Food Plan Group

Private106 Members
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